How To Avoid Water Damage During Fall

How To Avoid Water Damage During Fall

As Summer comes to a close and the weather begins to cool off, we should prepare our homes for the water damage risks that come with the autumn and winter months. Torrential downpours, bursting pipes, and flash floods caused by storms are just a few of the ways that your home can experience water damage this Fall. In order to protect your home, you should have a storm damage restoration and prevention plan in place to help you avoid water damage during the Fall months.

What Does Water Damage Affect?

At Supreme Restoration, we talk about water damage a lot, but what exactly do we mean when we talk about water damage? When water enters your home and wets absorbent surfaces in your homes like wood, plaster, and insulation, those materials become damaged in the sense that they become structurally weak, the organic matter can decay, and they become susceptible to mold growth. The most vulnerable parts of your home to water damage are:

  • Drywall
  • Plaster
  • Insulation
  • Wood framing
  • Flooring
  • Electrical wiring and appliances

How To Prevent Water Damage

Although some water damage is impossible to prevent – like in the event of a flood – there are things that you can do around your home to prevent water damage as much as possible.

Disconnect Hoses

When the temperature starts to drop in the fall, you can count on it dipping below “freezing” at least overnight. Because of this, you want to be sure that you disconnect any hoses that you use outdoors. Standing water in the hose can freeze and either cause the hose to break or the pipes to burst from a blockage in the hose.

Clean Out Gutters

During the Fall, that beautiful orange and red leaves begin to fall from trees. While they make piles for your kids to jump into, they can cause real damage to your home when they start to clog up the gutters. Clogged gutters can prevent water from going down water spouts leaving pools of water nowhere to go but through your roof.

Maintain Trees and Roots

If you have trees and foliage in your yard, you want to make sure that you or your landscaping company are on top of trimming roots and branches before they impede on your home. Overgrown roots can damage your sprinkler system or even a water line if left to grow unchecked.

Know-How to Shut Off Your Water Main

In the event that you ever do run into a situation where you need to shut off the water in your home – like a burst pipe, a broken faucet, or you name it – you want to know where your water main is and how to shut it off. The faster you do this, the less water you will need to clean up and the more likely it is that you avoid water damage.

Call Supreme Restoration for Water Clean Up

Cleaning up standing water as quickly as possible is the first step in preventing water damage. With Supreme Restoration’s 24-hour emergency water damage restoration services you can count on us to be there for you. Contact us today for a free consultation.